Silage Film: Silage Film Bale Protection

Bales of silage, hay, or maize are wrapped in silage film to preserve the forage and maintain its nutritional value. The ideal silage film must have the proper tensile strength, puncture resistance, and oxygen permeability to protect the bale and its contents. Covers new Unterland R stretch film provides advanced features for perfect silage bale protection. This sustainable, high-quality film has been tested in all weather conditions. For more silage film bale protection, check this out. Durability Silage film bale protection is used in agriculture to preserve hay, straw, maize and other forage. The film is wrapped around the bale…

Why Choose Silage Wrap 750mm?

A silage wrap 750mm helps preserve bales of hay, maize and vegetables. It keeps moisture, reducing waste and allowing controlled anaerobic fermentation to raise nutrients and improve feed quality. Silawrap is made in Gorey and is a rigid stretch plastic that will wrap wider on the bale and has a quality edge trim for hassle-free wrapping. It also has high UV protection, tack and puncture resistance. UV Protection A quality silage wrap can help you get the most out of your forage. It protects your bales from the elements and prevents them from degrading during storage and feeding. It also…